[DO NOT USE] Currently Bugged, Will Update When Fixed

Last event went 1/4 in best predictions and the one win was essentially guaranteed with bookies setting the odds at -1000. This is because A) I’m not doing unit testing, and B) I introduced (and reintroduced) multiple bugs into the model via the latest release.

It is painful to do hundreds of hours of coding on a project only to have multiple bugs destroy it’s sole value. I am thankful many coders better than me already figured out how to solve this problem and I will implement it as soon as I can: unit testing.

Unit testing is the process of writing code that checks your own code for problems. This has been a passion project since the beginning and as such much of it is stream of consciousness programming to reach the end goal in as short of time as possible at the cost of maintainability. At this point, the complexity of the code means it’s impossible to understand all sections at all times. That’s where unit testing comes in. I could’ve saved myself a lot of grief by implementing this from the beginning. Unit tests are coming. Once they’re implemented I will update this News section of the site and release version 2.0 here and post to https://reddit.com/r/mmabetting about the update.

I’ll create a postmortem blog post of all the bugs in the code so others can learn from my mistakes. For now, the predictions in the Upcoming section of this blog should be taken with many many grains of salt. I care about delivering value to our little niche MMA betting community and I’ve spent hundreds of hours writing this for free so please bear with me. I apologize to anyone who lost money trusting the model in the last few months. I will fix it and describe in excruciating minutia what went wrong to rebuild the trust.